Kidney cancer treatment in India
Kidney cancer initiates in the kidneys which are two bean-shaped organs found on the either side of the spine and aids in filtering the blood. As blood passes through kidneys, waste products &unnecessary water are collected into it & is turned into urine. Kidneys also produce three vital hormones. It is Important to get a good kidney cancer treatment in India at an early stage. · Erythropoietin: This hormone is responsible for producing RBCs with bone marrow. · Renin: This hormone controls blood pressure. · Calcitriol aids the intestine to absorb calcium from the diet. Kidney Cancer is one of the ten utmost common cancers in both men and women. Risk Factors: · Obesity: Being obese will upsurge your probabilities of acquiring the symptoms of this cancer. · Smoking: If you smoke your risk could be double to that of a non-smoker....